I've been there
I’ve been there, life is bearing down on you. The feeling of despair and anxiety greets you in the morning and dominates your mind throughout the day.
All you want is to find happiness and stability. Simply put, you want balance. You aren't looking for perfection because you know it doesn't exist, but it would be nice to have the majority of things in your life go your way.
You want a better relationship with your spouse and your children. You also dream of unplugging from work and just relaxing now and then. You wish you could better manage your time. You desire the ability to deal with conflict better, or at least stop causing so much strife. The "you" wish goes on and on. Overall, you want better control of your life and where you are going.
At one time in my life, it didn't matter how I did things, nothing worked. It frustrated me, it made me irritable, it changed me. I was holding a square peg and trying to force it into a round hole. One day in October 2014, I finally stopped trying to do things my way and committed to start trying to do things God's way. It’s been a process and now I'm committed to helping others. I have a program called Handling Life. It’s for individuals, families, churches, businesses, and corporations.
Handling Life Resources
All donations to Joy To The World Foundation - Handling Life Program are tax deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution. Joy To The World Foundation - Handling Life Program is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN #72-1551621